
Saturday, April 26, 2008

Get rid of the Smell of Oil Paint

To get rid of the smell of Oil Paint, plunge a handful of Hay into a pail of water and let it stand in the room newly painted.

Cure Warts

The easiest way to get rid of Warts is to pare off the thickened skin which covers the prominent wart; cut it off by successive layers, and shave it till you come to the surface of the skin and till you draw blood in two or three places.

Then rub the part thoroughly with Lunar Caustic and one effective operation of this kind will generally destroy the Wart.

If not, cut off the black spot which has been occasioned by the Caustic and apply it again or you may apply Acetic Acid, and thus you will get rid of it.

Care must be taken in applying these acids not to rub them on the skin around the wart.

To Cure a Tooth Ache

Take equal parts of:
  • Camphor
  • Sulphuric Ether
  • Ammonia
  • Laudanum
  • Tincture of Cayenne
  • 1/8th part Oil of Cloves

Mix well together. Saturate with the liquid a small piece of cotton and apply to the cavity of the diseased tooth. The pain will cease immediately.

Put up in long Drachm bottles. Retail at 25 cents.

This is a very salable preparation and affords a large profit to the manufacturer.

To Cure a Sore Throat

Pour a pint of boiling water upon twenty or thirty leaves of common Sage.
Let the infusion stand for half an hour. Add Vinegar sufficient to make it moderately acid and honey according to taste.
It must be used several times a day.

Another excellent remedy is a strong solution of salt and water. Gargle every hour.

A Wet Towel worn on the throat at night will assist in effecting a cure.

For a Putrid Sore Throat use a gargle of Brewers Yeast five times a day also bind thin slices of Salt Pork on the throat.

The Best Pill in the World

  • Aloes, 2 pounds
  • Gamboge, 1 pound
  • The Extract of Clocynth, 4 ounces
  • Castile Soap, 1/2 pound
  • Oil of Peppermint, 2 fluid ounces
  • Cinnamon, 1 fluid drachm

Mix and form into pills.

These pills are the most celebrated of any in the world and the fortunate manufacturer has accumulated over a million dollars from their sale.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

To Make Honey Soap

  • Balsam of Fir, 1/2 ounce
  • White Wax, 1/2 ounce
  • Honey, 1/4 pint
  • White Rosin, 1/2 ounce
  • Purified Soap, 10 pounds

Melt these ingredients thoroughly, and mix them well, then add

  • Essence of Cloves, 1/4 ounce
  • Cinnamon, 1/4 ounce
  • Bergamot, 1/4 ounce

Pour it in moulds, or in a box. Cut it in cakes to suit, when cold.

How to Make Indelible Ink

Grind a number of green persimmons to a pulp, then pour over them sufficient water to cover them, and press out all the juice. Boil it down to half the quantity, and add a small piece of ferrous sulphate.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cure Freckles

  • Muriate of Ammonia, 1/2 drachm
  • Lavender Water, 2 drachms
  • Rain Water, 1/2 pint

Applied with a sponge two or three times a day.

Best Blacking for Shoes or Boots

  • Ivory Black, 1 and 1/2 ounces
  • Molasses, 1 and 1/2 ounces
  • Sperm Oil, 3 drachms
  • Strong Oil of Vitriol, 3 drachms
  • Common Vinegar, 1/2 pint

Mix the Ivory Black, Molasses and Vinegar together, then mix the Sperm Oil and Oil of Vitriol separately and then add them to the other mixture.

To Cure Wens

Take the yolks of eggs, beat up and add as much fine salt as will dissolve and apply a plaster to the wen every ten hours.
It cures without pain or inconvenience.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

To Cure a Cut or Bruise

Apply the moist surface of the inside coating or skin of the shell of a raw egg. It will adhere of itself, leave no scar and heal without pain.

Cure for Scrofulous Sore Eyes

Take Blue Violets, dig them up top and root, wash clean, dry them, and make a tea.
Drink several times a day, wetting the eyes each time, and it will soon effect a cure.

Another Potion for Sore and Weak Eyes

  • 5 grains of Acetate of Morphia
  • 10 grains Sugar of Lead
  • 6 grains Sulphate of Zinc

In five ounces of Rose Water. Bathe freely, three times a day

Cure for Sore and Weak Eyes

  • Sulphate of Zinc, three grains
  • Tincture of Opium, ten drops
  • Water, two ounces

To be applied three or four times a day.

How to Make Cement for Broken China, Glass, etc.

The following recipe, from experience, we know to be a good one, and, being nearly odorless, it possess advantages which liquid glue and other cements do not.
  • Dissolve half an ounce of Gum Acacia in a wine glass of boiling water
  • Add Plaster of Paris sufficient to form a thick paste

Apply with a brush to the parts required to be cemented together.

To Make Pomatums

For making pomatums, the lard, fat, suet or marrow used must be carefully prepared by being melted with as gentle a heat as possible, skimmed and cleared from the dregs which are deposited on standing. Take:
  • Mutton suet prepared as above, one pound
  • Lard, three pounds

Carefully melted together and stirred constantly as it cools.

  • Oil of Bergamot, two ounces

Being added just after lifting the pomade from the fire.

Hard Pomade

  • Mutton Suet, one pound
  • Fat, one pound
  • White wax, four ounces
  • Oil of Bergamot, one ounce

Put up in short, large-mouthed bottles and sell at 15 or 20 cents.

To Remove Grease or Stains from Clothing

Ordinary Benzene is as good a grease eradicator as is now used.
Put up in four ounce bottles and label it"The Nations Grease Extractor", and sell it for 20 or 25 cents. Benzene generally costs about 15 cents a gallon. Dip the corks in wax.

Monday, April 21, 2008

To Prevent Cattle from Getting Old

If the cattle are occasionally fed a little of the extract of the June Berry, it will extend the period of their lives.
Use in connection with the Vanilla Bean and the two will produce the most wonderful results.

It will act on people the same as on the animal kingdom.

New Flax seed, frequently given to cattle in small quantities, will make them, whether young or old, or if as poor and thin as skeletons, soon appear to be fat and healthy.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Balm of Gilead

  • Opodeldoc
  • Spirits of wine
  • Sal-ammoniac

Equal parts of each. Shake.

Bottle and label.

Cures neuralgia, pains, aches, etc. Apply as a lotion

Waterproof Composition for Boots and Shoes

  • Beeswax, two ounces
  • Beef suet, four ounces
  • Resin, one ounce

Melt together- sells well

Egyptian Cement for Mending China, Glass or Wood

  • One pound of the best white glue,
  • One half pound dry white lead,
  • One quart soft water,
  • One half pint alcohol,

Put the first three items in a dish and that dish in a pot of boiling water; let it boil until dissolved then add the alcohol and boil again until mixed.

A little camphor should be added to preserve it and disguise its composition.
Put in small bottles : 25 cents each

A Certain Cure for Drunkeness

  • Sulphate of iron, five grains
  • Magnesia, ten grains
  • Peppermint water, eleven drachms
  • Spirits of nutmeg, one drachm

Take twice a day. This preparation acts as a tonic and stimulant, and so partially supplies the place of the accustomed liquor and prevents the absolute physical and moral prostration that follows the sudden breaking off from the use of stimulating drinks.

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