
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Superior Raisin Wine

  • Take thirty pounds of chopped raisins, free from stems and dust
  • Put them in a large keg
  • Add to them 10 gallons of soft water
  • Let them stand 2 weeks unbunged -shaking occasionally (warm place in the winter)
  • Strain through a woolen cloth or filter
  • Colour with burnt sugar
  • Bottle and cork well for use

The more raisins, the better the wine -not exceeding 5 pounds to the gallon.

Trapper's and Angler's Secret for Game and Fish

  • A few drops of Oil of Anise or Oil of Rhodium, on any trapper's bait, will entice any wild animal into the snare trap.
  • India Cockle, mixed with flour dough and sprinkled on the surface of still water will intoxicate fish, rendering them insensible; when coming up to the surface they can be lifted into a tub of fresh water to revive them , when they may be used without fear.
  • Fish may also be caught in large numbers during the winter season by watching them through the ice and striking it with a mallet directly over where they happen to be. The shock stuns them and they will rise belly upwards, toward the surface, when they are easily secured by breaking a hole in the ice.
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