
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Make Cucumber Vines Bear Five Crops

When a Cucumber is taken from the vine, let it be cut with a knife leaving about the eight of an inch of the Cucumber on the stem, then slit the stem with a knife from its end to the vine, leaving a small portion of the Cucumber on each division, and on each separate slit there will be a new Cucumber as large as the first.

To Cure Boils

They should be brought to a head by warm poultices of Camomile Flowers, or boiled White Lily Root, or Onion Root by fermentation with hot water, or by stimulating plasters.

When ripe they should be destroyed by a needle or lancet.

But this should not be attempted until they are fully proved.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Cure a Sprained Ankle or Wrist

Wash the ankle very frequently with cold salt and water, which is far better than warm vinegar or decoctions of herbs.

Keep the foot as cool as possible, to prevent inflammation, and sit with it elevated on a high cushion.

Live on a low diet, and take every day some cooling medicine, such as Epsom Salts.

it cures in a few days.

Treat Dyspepsia

One of the first things to be attended to is to regulate the bowels, which in this disease are always in a costive state.

The best means of keeping them loose is the eating of a handful of clean Wheat Bran once or twice a day.

This is the most simple and efficacious method of cleansing the stomach.

It may be eaten from the hand with a few swallows of water to wash it down.

Also use to regulate the stomach and bowels, the daily use of Common Salt, in teaspoonful doses, dissolved in a half-tumblerful of water, taken in the morning fasting.

Avoid rich diet, and use Brown Bread instead of that made with Superfine Flour.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

To Remove Red Mites from Canaries

Put into the cage as a perch one or more hollow sticks with holes cut into them at short distances as in a cane pipe.

The insects crawl into these and can be easily knocked or shaken out or destroyed by letting hot water run through the sticks. This should be done every day until the bird is relieved.

Hang a piece of new white flannel in the cage at night, next to the perch, so that it shades the bird from the lights. In the morning you will find the mites on the flannel; wash or put in a new piece the following night, and continue to doing so until they are all removed.

It is also well to scald the cage.

The perches should be of Red Cedar wood.

To Drive Away Ants

Put Red Pepper in the places Ants frequent the most, and scrub the shelves and drawers with strong Carbolic Soap.

A Remedy for Rheumatism

Four ounces of Saltpetre in one pint of Alcohol; shake well and bathe parts affected.

Wetting red flannel with it; lay it on.

It does not cure, but takes away the redness, reduces the swelling and relieves the torment and agony.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Zigura Oil

One half ounce of pulverized Salt Petre put in half a pint of Sweet Oil.
Cures Inflammatory Rheumatism.
Bottle and label.
Pays well.

Hair Invigorator

  • Bay Rum, 1 quart
  • Alcohol, 1 pint
  • Castor Oil, 1 ounce
  • Tincture of Cantharides, 1 ounce
  • Sweet Oil, 1 pint

Bottle and label. Sells well

Liebig's Goldometer

This instrument is used for the discovery of mines, minerals, treasures, etc.

It is made of Mercury, Gold and Magnetic Sand.

To Make Brown Teeth White

Apply carefully over the teeth a stick dipped in strong Acetic or Nitric Acid and immediately wash out the mouth with cold water.

To make the teeth even, if irregular, draw a piece of fine cord betwixt them

Friday, May 2, 2008

To Destroy Flies in a Room

Take a half a teaspoonful of Black Pepper, one teaspoonful of Brown Sugar, and one teaspoonful of Cream: mix them well together ,and place them in a room on a plate, where the flies are troublesome, and they will soon disappear.
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