
Sunday, July 6, 2008

Poisons and Antidotes

The following list of antidotes is given as reliable in cases of poisoning, to which all are in danger of being subjected some time, when, perhaps, no medical skill or experienced advice is within reach. It would be well for every family to have something like this, which they can turn to at a moment's warning.

The following are some of the more common poisons and the remedies most likely to be at hand in case of need.

The directions may be old, but in case you happen to get a good, strong dose of poison down, you will not object to a cure on account of age.
  • Acids.--These cause great heat and a sensation of burning pain from the mouth down to the stomach. Remedies: magnesia, soda, pearlash, or soap dissolved in water, then use the stomach-pump or an emetic.
  • Alkalies.--Best remedy is vinegar.
  • Ammonia.--Remedy: lemon-juice or vinegar.
  • Alcohol.--First cleanse the stomach by an emetic, then dash cold water on the head, and ammonia (spirits of hartshorn).
  • Arsenic.--Remedies: in the first place evacuate the stomach, then give the white of eggs, lime-water, or chalk and water, charcoal, and a preparation of iron, particularly hydrate.
  • Lead, White Lead, and Sugar of Lead.--Remedies: alum, cathartics, such as castor oil and Epsom salts, specially sulphuric acid lemonade.
  • Charcoal.--In poisons by carbonic gas, remove the patient into the open air, dash cold water on the head and body, and stimulate the nostrils and lungs by hartshorn, at the same time rubbing the chest briskly.
  • Corrosive Sublimate.--Give the white of eggs, freely mixed with water, or give wheat flour and water, or soap and water, freely.
  • Creasote.--White of eggs and emetics.
  • Belladonna (Night Henbane).--Give an emetic, then plenty of vinegar and water, or lemonade.
  • Mushrooms, when Poisonous.--Give an emetic, plenty of vinegar and water, with doses of ether, if handy.
  • Nitrate of Silver (Lunar Caustic).--Give a strong solution of common salt, and then emetics.
  • Opium.--First give a strong emetic of mustard and water, then strong coffee and acid drinks; dash cold water on the head.
  • Laudanum.--Same as opium.
  • Nux Vomica.--First give emetics, then brandy.
  • Oxalic Acid (frequently mistaken for Epsom salts).--Remedies: chalk, magnesia, or soap and water, and other soothing drinks.
  • Prussic Acid.--When there is time, administer chlorine in the shape of soda and lime; hot brandy and water, hartshorn, and turpentine are also useful.
  • Snake Bites, etc.--Apply immediately strong hartshorn, and take internally; also give sweet oil and stimulate freely; apply a ligature tight above the part bitten, and then apply a cupping-glass.
  • Tartar Emetic.--Give large doses of tea made of galls, Peruvian bark, or white oak bark.
  • Verdigris.--Plenty of white of eggs and water.
  • White Vitriol.--Give the patient plenty of milk and water.
  • Melted Lard.--An antidote for strychnine, nux vomica, wild cherry, and nightshade.
  • Tea of the Sensitive Plant for the bite of a rattle-snake.

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