
Saturday, November 8, 2008

How to Keep Apples Fresh and Sound all Winter

I discovered a very superior way of preserving apples until spring. By it any apple in good condition when packed will be equally good when unpacked, and even those rotten because not in good condition when put away will not injure any others.

  • Take fine dry sawdust, preferably that made by a circular saw from well seasoned hard wood, and place a thick layer on the bottom of a barrel.

  • Then place a layer of apples, not close together and not close to the staves of the barrel. Put sawdust liberally over and around, and proceed until a bushel and a half (or less) is packed in each barrel.

  • They are to be kept in a cool place.

I kept some in an open garret, the thermometer for a week ranged close to zero. No bruised or mellow apples will be preserved but they will not communicate rot to their companions. There is money in this, applied to choice apples.



Editor's Note: This actually works. When I was a kid, it is how my Father kept carrots from the garden all winter.

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